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Publication (selected)


Ghorbany, S., Hu, M., Yao, S., Wang, C., Nguyen, Q. C., Yue, X., ... & Sisk, M. (2024). “Examining the role of passive design indicators in energy burden reduction: Insights from a machine learning and deep learning approach.” Building and Environment, 250, 111126.

Hu, Ming. "Strategies and Techniques of Life Cycle–Embodied Carbon Reduction from the Building and Construction Sector: A Review." Journal of Architectural Engineering (2023) 29-3​

Hu, Ming.  Junghwa Suh, Camryn Pedro. "An Integrated Framework for Preservation of Hawaii Indigenous Culture: Learning from Vernacular Knowledge. "" Buildings (2023) 13-5​

Hu, Ming.  Kai Zhang, Quynh Nguyen, Tolga Tasdizen. "The effects of passive design on indoor thermal comfort and energy savings for residential buildings in hot climates: A systematic review. "Urban Climate(2023) 49

​Hu, Ming, Nippala, E., Kallioharju, K., & Pelsmakers, S. "Monte Carlo simulation approach to understand the cost variance for energy retrofit projects: comparative study of Finland and the United States." Construction Management and Economics (2022) 1-16.

​Hu, Ming,, Sofie Pelsmakers, Terttu Vainio, and Paula Ala-Kotila. "Multifamily building energy retrofit comparison between the United States and Finland." Energy and Buildings 256 (2022): 111685.

​Hu, Ming. "2019 energy benchmarking data for LEED-certified buildings in Washington, D.C.: Simulation and reality." Journal of Building Engineering (2021):2.

​Hu, Ming, and  Miroslaw Jan Skibniewski. "Green Building Construction Cost Surcharge: An Overview." Journal of Architectural Engineering (2021):21.

​Hu, Ming, and  Miroslaw Jan Skibniewski. "A Review of Building Construction Cost Research: Current Status, Gaps and Green Buildings." Green Building & Construction Economics (2021): 1-17.

​Hu, Ming, and David Milner. "Factors influencing existing medium-sized commercial building energy retrofits to achieve the net zero energy goal in the United States." Building Research & Information (2020): 1-18.

​Hu, Ming.  "Life-cycle embodied performance index- the relationship between embodied energy, embodied carbon and environmental impact." Energies.. MDPI (2020)

​Hu, Ming.  "Net Zero Building: Predicted and Unintended Consequences." Routledge (2019)

​Hu, Ming.  "Does zero energy building cost more? – An empirical comparison of the construction costs for zero energy education building in United States."  Sustainable Cities and Society 45 (2019): 324-334.

​Hu, Ming.  "Optimal Renovation Strategies for Education Buildings—A Novel BIM–BPM–BEM Framework. Sustainability. (2018): 10(9):3287​


Hu, Ming, and Siavash Ghorbany. "Building Stock Models for Embodied Carbon Emissions—A Review of a Nascent Field." Sustainability 16, no. 5 (2024): 2089.

Hu, Ming. "IS SUSTAINABILITY COSTLY? EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM BUILT PROJECTS." Journal of Green Building 18, no. 3 (2023): 61-80.

Hu, Ming. "Strategies and Techniques of Life Cycle–Embodied Carbon Reduction from the Building and Construction Sector: A Review." Journal of Architectural Engineering 29, no. 3 (2023): 04023017.​

Hu, Ming, Junghwa Suh, and Camryn Pedro. "An Integrated Framework for Preservation of Hawaii Indigenous Culture: Learning from Vernacular Knowledge." Buildings 13, no. 5 (2023): 1190.

Hu, Ming. “Beyond Operational Energy Efficiency: A Balanced Sustainability Index from a Life Cycle Consideration."  Sustainability. (2021) 13:20. I​

Hu, Ming. “Embodied Environmental Impact of Existing Building Stock." (2020) IGI Global Publish. ​

Hu, Ming. "A Building Life-Cycle Embodied Performance Index—The Relationship between Embodied Energy, Embodied Carbon and Environmental Impact." Energies 13, no. 8 (2020): 1905.​

Hu, Ming. "Visualizing the research of embodied energy and environmental impact research in the building and construction field: a bibliometric analysis."  online Journal, Development in the Built Environment. (2020) Elsevier​

Hu, Ming. "Building Impact Assessment – a combined life cycle assessment and multi-criteria decision analysis framework."  Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 150 (2019): 104410. Elsevier.

Hu, Ming. “Dynamic life cycle assessment integrating value choice and temporal factors—A case study of an elementary school." Energy and Buildings 158 (2018): 1087-1096 ”. online Journal, Energy and Buildings, Elsevier. â€‹

Hu, Ming. “Dynamic Life Cycle Assessment Integrating Cultural Value.” Proceedings of International Building Physics Conference 2018 (IBPC2018), Syracuse, NY, September 23-24, (2018)​​


Nguyen, Quynh C., Mitra Alirezaei, Xiaohe Yue, Heran Mane, Dapeng Li, Lingjun Zhao, Thu T. Nguyen, Ming Hu, et al. "Leveraging computer vision for predicting collision risks: a cross-sectional analysis of 2019–2021 fatal collisions in the USA." Injury prevention (2024).

Hu, Ming, Kai Zhang, Quynh Camthi Nguyen, Tolga Tasdizen, and Krupali Uplekar Krusche. "A multistate study on housing factors influential to heat-related illness in the United States." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 23 (2022): 15762.

Hu, Ming, Kai Zhang, Quynh Camthi Nguyen, Tolga Tasdizen, and Krupali Uplekar Krusche. "A multistate study on housing factors influential to heat-related illness in the United States." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 23 (2022): 15762.

Hu, Ming., Simon, M., Fix, S., Vivino, A. A., & Bernat, E. (2021). Exploring a sustainable building’s impact on occupant mental health and cognitive function in a virtual environment. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-13.

Hu, Ming. "Smart Technologies and Design For Healthy Built Environments." Springer, (2020)​

Hu, Ming, Jennifer D. Roberts, Gesine Pryor Azevedo, and David Milner. "The role of built and social environmental factors in Covid-19 transmission: A look at America’s capital city." Sustainable Cities and Society (2020): 102580.​

Hu, Ming, and Jennifer D. Roberts. "Connections and Divergence between Public Health and Built Environment—A Scoping Review." Urban Science 4, no. 1 (2020): 12.​

Roberts, Jennifer D., Ming Hu, Brit Irene Saksvig, Micah L. Brachman, and Casey P. Durand. "Examining the Influence of a New Light Rail Line on the Health of a Demographically Diverse and Understudied Population within the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area: A Protocol for a Natural Experiment Study." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15, no. 2 (2018): 333.​

Zhuang, J., Hu, M., & Mousapour, F. “Value-Driven Design Process: A Systemic Decision-Making Framework Considering Different Attribute Preferences from Multiple Stakeholders” Online Journal of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): special issue of the ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering dedicated to Buildings of the Future. ISSN:0199-6231. ​

Hu, Ming, and Roger Chen. "A Framework for Understanding Sense of Place in an Urban Design Context." Urban Science2, no. 2 (2018): 34.  doi:10.3390/urbansci2020034



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